• Intestinal Atresia

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    Intestinal atresia is a malformation of small or large intestine characterized narrowing or absence of a portion of the intestine. It is of following types named after their location:

    • Duodenal atresia - malformation of the duodenum

    • Jejunal atresia - malformation of the jejunum

    • Ileal atresia - malformation of the ileum

    • Colon atresia - malformation of the colon

    Symptoms of Intestinal Atresia

    Symptoms appear within the first 48 hours after birth including:

    • No stool passed

    • Swollen belly

    • Yellow or greenish vomiting

    • Irritated baby

    Diagnosis of Intestinal Atresia

    IA is diagnosed by performing following tests:

    • X-rays of abdomen

    • A series of X-rays called a contrast study

    Laparoscopic surgery for Intestinal Atresia

    The only treatment for intestinal atresia (IA) is surgery to remove the blocked or narrow part of the intestine. The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia through small incisions in the abdomen. One of the incisions is used to insert a port (nozzle) that fills the carbon dioxide gas into the abdomen to inflate it. Now laparoscope is inserted through another incision. A laparoscope is a telescope lookalike with a light and camera on the end. It allows the surgeon to clearly view inside of the abdomen on the monitor outside. After thorough evaluation, surgeon will cut both sides of the blocked sections and make openings that can be sewn together to make intestine an open tube. Sometimes removal of a part of intestine is required to correct the problem. After the completion of procedure, carbon dioxide is released and incisions are closed with sutures or staples, or covered with glue-like bandage.

    Advantages of Laparoscopic Ladd procedure

    • Less damage to the surrounding tissues

    • Faster recovery

    • Only few hours or overnight hospitalization

    • Earlier ambulation

    • Sooner return to work

    • Very less pain during and after the procedure

    • Smaller incisions

    • Negligible risks and complications

    • Less chances of wound infection

    • Early ambulation

    • High success rate

    Authored By DR.R.K.Sinha